Who are we
HN Consultants was formed by Finn Hansen and Ole Nielsen in 2001. Today, HN consists of eight partners and associates. HN Consultants works together with experts around the world to offer quality consultancy and advice on good governnace and sustainable development as well as environmental management.

Finn Hansen - Co-founder and CEO
Finn Hansen has a degree in International Development Studies and Public Administration. He has more than 32 years of professional experience working on development issues. He is the co-founder of HN Consultants ApS. in 2001. Since 1998, Finn Hansen has carried out more than 100 short-term consultancies for Danida, the World Bank, the European Union, the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Sida) and Danish NGOs in the areas of good governance, including human rights, anticorruption and decentralisation, among others.
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Caroline van der Sluys - Partner
Caroline van der Sluys has an extensive international experience in natural resources planning and environmental management. Her technical expertise focuses on the effective integrated management of natural resources at all levels. This includes experience in all aspects of environmental management, climate resilience, integrated water resources management (IWRM), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), encompassing policy, institutional, and human resources issues. She is skilled in the development and application of tools such as environmental planning, environmental impact assessment, environmental management plans, and geographical information systems (GIS).
Get Caroline van der Sluys's CV here

Thomas Nielsen - Partner
Thomas Nielsen has 20 years of experience within the area of development planning and management, including positions with the United Nations Development Programme in Honduras and Danida in Central America and Bolivia. His latest longterm assignment (2009-2013) was as senior adviser for Danida’s regional environment program me in Central America. During the periods 1997-1999, 2003-2009 and again from 2013, he has worked as a consultant particularly with formulation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes in Latin America and in French-speaking West Africa.
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Christian Boehm - Partner and Director
Christian Boehm holds a PhD in Social Anthropology and has 26 years of experience in formulation, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian, development and HDP nexus programs. He brings with him extensive skills in forced displacement and humanitarian action in fragile contexts. Since 2023, Christian has been a partner in HN Consultants. Christian is an expert in livelihoods support programming, organizational capacity reviews, MEAL and results-based management. He has completed 47 consultancy assignments for clients including the MFA, Caritas Denmark, Caritas Switzerland, Danish Refugee Council, Norwegian Refugee Council, Save the Children, Novo Nordisk Foundation, World Bank, ADRA, Amnesty International and CISU.
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Søren Langhoff - Partner and Director
Soren Langhoff has a Master's degree in Macroeconomics and more than 30 years of experience working with economics, financial management and accountability in a governmental, NGO and development context. Soren’s skills include working with the intersection of financial and programmatic management, the application of fintech and administrative technologies and assessment of accountability and transparency arrangements. Soren has worked for governments and a range of international development partners including Danida, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Soren is also compliance officer in HN Consultants.
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Helene Jørgensen - Partner and Director of Public Engagement & Communications
Helene Jørgensen holds a Master’s degree in Sociology. Her ten years’ experience in civil society development and research cover the areas information and public engagement, HR and staff capacity, volunteer leadership, partnerships and fundraising. Helene has extensive experience in research methodology and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research as well as mixed methods. Her programmatic expertise areas include issues and specialised rights on women, children, disability and indigenous peoples. Helene became a partner of HN Consultants in 2023 and has carried out consultancy assignments for MFA and various NGO’s and civil society organisations.
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Helene Ellemann-Jensen - Partner
Helene Ellemann-Jensen holds a Master's degree in International Development Studies and Communication and has over 25 years of professional experience in development and humanitarian work. She brings with her comprehensive expertise in civil society development, human rights, democratisation & good governance, HDP nexus and localisation. She is an experienced facilitator of participatory and inclusive processes and skilled in leading the development of strategies, policies, applications, theories of change and MEAL frameworks. She also has ample experience in results-based management and organisational development and has carried out a number of capacity assessments of Danish CSOs. Since 2023, Helene has been a partner in HN Consultants.
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Vagn Berthelsen
Vagn Berthelsen has been the General Secretary of Oxfam Denmark (IBIS) for 21 years. He has worked with civil society, strategy and policy, organization and management. Also, he has worked with organizational development, human resource development, policy and strategy development, advocacy and campaigning at international level. He has been part of defining a number of overall strategies and policies linked to development policy in general and CSO policy in particular, both in Denmark and internationally. He has been centrally positioned in a number of national and international processes which has led to the formulation of development policy. He has practical field experience as country director for an INGO and holds a Master of Law from the University of Copenhagen.
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