Review of Pro-Derechos; Human Rights Programme in Central America
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2015
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua & Costa Rica
Project features
ProDerechos is a Danida’s Regional Programme to Support Human Rights in Central America. The Programme has two components and a total of seven partners. The first component focuses on a strengthened defense of human rights of people living in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The second component was focused on strengthened capacity of participation and empowerment of people living in conditions of vulnerability in these same countries. The first component was implemented through support to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, CEJIL Mesoamerica, and the International Labour Organization´s regional office in Central America. The second component was implemented through two civil society funds and a trade union network.
Service provided
HN Consultants provided a full team, including the expert on human rights and indigenous peoples’ rights and the expert on organizational development, communication and advocacy as support to the Team Leader from the Ministry’s Technical Advisory Service. The experts carried out a desk study of all documentation, as well as interviews with a number of stakeholders, including Danish NGOs, prior to the field work. The experts visited Washington and interviewed staff from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. In addition, the team interviewed state authorities, civil society organisations, beneficiaries and victims, as well as staff members from the partner organisations in Central America.