Review and Capacity Assessment of Mission East (Mission Øst)
Danida, 2019
Afghanistan, Belgium, Denmark
The overall objective of the Review was to assess the capacity and performance of Mission East (ME) in delivering results under its engagement with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including its overall strategic, programmatic, organisational/administrative and financial management capacity. Also, ME’s new communication strategy was assessed, including progress on all major targets.
The Team carried out the following tasks:
(i) Desk study of ME’s programmes, with specific focus on the sample of results from the Afghanistan and Iraq Programme. Likewise, a review of financial and administrative procedures.
(ii) Interviews with programme, communication and administrative staff in Copenhagen and Bruxelles. Interviews with network that Mission East was part of.
(iii) Organisation of field visit of two Afghan consultants to the communities supported by ME in two of the regions in Afghanistan. A consultant visited relevant communities, while another consultant carried out a capacity assessment of programme management, administrative and financial management at the field office in Kabul.
(iv) Presentation of a draft & final report, including recommendations.
The team used documentation review, semi-structured interviews, observation in the field (in Afghanistan). Triangulation of information was made with different key informants and international networks.
HN Consultants ApS provided all consultants in support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including an organizational development consultant and a Financial Management consultant. In addition, HN Consultants ApS provided two local consultants from Afghanistan.