Review and Capacity Assessment of Danmission and Caritas
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020−2021
Myanmar, Jordan (virtual meetings) and Denmark
Caritas Denmark’s stated purpose is to empower the world’s poorest and most vulnerable based on Catholic Social Teaching. Danmission is a faith-based organisation with a stated purpose to alleviate poverty in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and promote peaceful coexistence. Both Caritas Denmark and Danmission have a Strategic Partnership agreement with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).
The objective of the assignment was to assess the capacity and performance of Caritas-DK and Danmission in achieving social change and delivering results under its engagement with the MFA with a particular view to stimulate learning and support relevant organisational development. In Myanmar, particular emphasis was made regarding innovation and use of social media to stimulate youth participation. In Jordan, focus was on the partner’s capacity to provide health services.
The Team carried out a desk review, prepared an inception note and analysed the two organisations at strategic, programmatic, organizational-administrative and financial management level. Two country visits were organized with participation of local consultants: Myanmar, where both organisations support partners and Jordan, where only Caritas supports its partner, Caritas Jordan. The Team delivered two debriefings and two separate reports for each of the organisations.
HN Consultants ApS provided the full team for the assignment, including a Team Leader, three international consultants as well as two national consultants, who carried out the data collection in Myanmar and Jordan.