Programme Completion Reports for two Danida programmes (Governance and Justice)

Royal Danish Embassy, Hanoi, 2015 - 16


Project features

The assignment’s objective was to prepare Draft Programme Completion Reports for each of the following two programmes: 1) Governance and Public Administration Reform Programme and 2) the Justice Partnership Programme (co-financed with the European Union and Sweden). The first programme includes support to three components: i) improved public administration in five provinces; ii) human rights education & research in two universities and a research academy iii) strengthening of the office of the national assembly and the promotion of public participation and accountability in law-making and policy development processes by strengthening engagement of Non-Governmental Organisations. The second programme includes support to three components: i) support to judicial reform through state institutions, namely the Supreme People’s Court; the Supreme People’s Procuracy and the Ministry of Justice; ii) support to the Vietnam Bar Association; and iii) establishment of a Justice Initiatives Facilitation Fund, supporting the Non-Governmental Organisations’ role in the justice sector.

Service provided

HN Consultants provided a team of two consultants, one national and one international who carried out a desk review of all relevant information, including progress reports for each of the two programmes. Hereafter, the team conducted field work where key stakeholders were interviewed. The team participated in a conference and an end-of-project workshop where additional information was collected. Two draft reports were presented and discussed with the Royal Danish Embassy.