Mid-term Review of the Uganda Country Programme 2018−2022
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021 (joint venture with Development Associates)
The objective was to assess the performance of the country programme and its eight development engagements with regard to outcome and results, progress, challenges, developments in risk factors, possible need for adjustments, and programme management.
The Country Programme consists of two specific programmes: i) UPSIDE (Uganda Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Development of the Economy) which contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic growth focusing on agricultural development with the main beneficiaries being smallholder farmers as well as SMEs within agri-business. The programme also tries to address climate change adaption through improved water resources management. ii) UPGRADE (Uganda Programme for Governance, Rights, Accountability and Democracy) which enhances accountability and stability and to deepen democracy and respect for human rights in Uganda. Special focus is given to the role of youth and women’s social and economic inclusion and participation in development. Likewise, support is provided to promote integration of refugees in Northern Uganda, including their access to services. Civil society organizations are supported to carry out conflict resolutions.
The Review Team carried out virtual interviews with all major stakeholders and two local consultants visited rights holders during a field visit for each of the two programmes. Before the interviews in Uganda, a Preparation Note was prepared. At the end of the field visits and interviews, a debriefing session was held. Finally, a Mid-term Review Report was prepared, in accordance with the Danida Aid Management Guidelines.
HN Consultants ApS provided the governance specialist and a national civil society consultant. They were in charge of the review of five of the eight development engagements in the country programme.