Mid-term review of the Niger Country Programme
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020−2021 (joint venture with Stonemark Consulting)
The main objective of the mid-term review was to assess the overall implementation of the Country Programme (Denmark-Niger, 2017−2022), comprising three thematic programs: i) Democratic governance, stability and migration management; ii) Water and Sanitation; and, iii) Promotion of employment and economic growth in the agricultural sector.
The review focused on the achievement of objectives, performance with regard to progress and results achieved, challenges and changes in the political context and risk factors, management of the programme and commitments and possible needs for adjustments.
The review was carried out using mixed methods, including virtual interviews (due to Covid-2019) and interviews with country programme partners as well as face-to-face interviews carried out by a local consultancy in Niger hired by HN Consultants ApS.
The consultants carried out the following tasks: (i) desk review of all relevant programme documentation; (ii) development and presentation of a Mission Preparation Note, (iii) virtual meetings and field visits to meet with key partners; (iv) debriefing presentation; (v) preparation of an Aide-mémoire, in accordance with the Aid Management Guidelines.
HN Consultants ApS in collaboration with Stonemark Consulting provided three specialists (consultants) for the assignment in the areas of: i) democratic governance and stability; ii) environment, water and sanitation and iii) organisational and institutional support (a local consultant).