Mid-term Review of the Danish-Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) 2017−2022
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020
Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco & Egypt
The objective of the assignment was to: (1) assess the progress and achievements of the programme for the period from inception to 31 December 2019 at strategic and results framework level; (2) provide recommendations for programme and engagement changes for the remaining programme period; (3) provide recommendations for strategic and thematic priorities in a next DAPP phase.
A desk study, interviews with Danish stakeholders and the drafting of a Mission Preparation Note were carried out before the departure. The Review Team visited Jordan before the team was called back due to the COVID 19. When the situation was safe, Tunisia was visited, while virtual interviews were used to collect data regarding the activities in Egypt and Morocco. A review report was prepared.
HN Consultants ApS provided the full team for the assignment, including an Expert on human rights and free media; an expert on economic opportunities (employment, entrepreneurship) and labour market; an expert on financial management and organisational development and an expert on gender.