Mid-term Review Mission: Economic Development and Job Creation in the Tunisian Dairy Sector
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2017
Project features
In 2015 the Governments of Denmark and Tunisia signed a DKK 20 million agreement for the second phase of a dairy sector project within the framework of the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP). The project support aims to contribute to economic development and job creation in the dairy sector in Tunisia.
A mid-term project review was carried out in June 2017, led by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The review objectives were to assess project progress and results including constraints and related mitigating actions, and to present recommendations for the remaining project period including possible changes in strategy, activities/outputs, management arrangements and budget allocations.
Service provided
HN Consultants ApS provided a project management/monitoring and evaluation expert and a value chain development expert, both with Middle East and North Africa region experience. The consultants worked closely with key project stakeholders including relevant Danish, Tunisian and other development partners as well as private sector operators. The Technical Advisory Office in Tunis and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration facilitated the work. A debriefing note (in French) was prepared by the team and presented at the end of the mission in Tunisia. Likewise, a Review Aide Memoire (RAM) (in French) was handed over to the project steering committee.