Mid-term Evaluation of the project “Raw Diamonds – Sharp Tongues”
Oxfam IBIS, 2017
Sierra Leone
Project features
Operation a Days Work is a solidarity program based on volunteering by students at upper secondary schools in Denmark, which collects funds for a project in the Global South. In 2013, it was decided that the funds raised would directed to an Oxfam IBIS project in Sierra Leone entitled ‘Raw Diamonds – Sharp Tongues’. The objective of the project was to strengthen the capacity of youths in mining communities in the Kono District in their struggle to receive part of the mining revenues for development and education, and scaling the problem from local to national level. The objective of the review was to assess the progress towards the achievement of objectives and results.
Services provided
HN Consultants provided the team leader to the review, which was based on the DAC evaluation criteria. Likewise, a junior consultant, hired by Oxfam IBIS, carried out interviews with the youth organized in the Local Mines Monitoring Groups in the Kono District. The team carried out interviews with governmental representatives, traditional chiefs, private mining companies, local partners to Oxfam IBIS and end-beneficiaries, both women and men. A draft report was discussed with the key stakeholders in Kono and subsequently finalized.