Mid-term Evaluation of “Data in the Fight Against Impunity” project
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, 2016
Uganda, Kenya, Serbia, Nepal
Project features
The project included support to partner rehabilitation centres located in 11 countries in four regions. The objective is to contribute to the fight against impunity by using data gathered from survivors of torture to support accountability, prevention, and rehabilitation of victims of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The project seeks to strengthen and harmonise the capacity of rehabilitation centres in their efforts to collect clinical data and use them to support anti-impunity work by facilitating the employment of such data in the production of human rights outputs as well as in advocacy activities. The purpose of the Mid-term evaluation was to assess project progress and provide recommendations for adjustments. The assignment used the DAC evaluation criteria.
Service provided
HN Consultants provided the consultant in charge of the evaluation. The consultant carried out a desk review of all progress reports; questionnaires were submitted to selected partners and field visits were made to four countries to visit partners, torture victims, other NGOs and duty bearers on progress regarding documentation of torture cases and its use in advocacy.