Final evaluation of Strengthening Victim Participation in the Fight Against Impunity for International Crimes
Uganda & Guatemala
The overall project objective was to reduce impunity of international crimes by strengthening the position of victims in justice and accountability processes and enabling their meaningful participation in the design and implementation of transitional justice measures. Focus was on two countries (Uganda and Guatemala). In addition, the project supported exchanges between the countries as well as international activities (including an international conference on victim participation).
The three specific project objectives (outcomes) were to ensure that: (1) tvictims and their organisations are better informed, equipped and organised to participate meaningfully in local, national and international processes of transitional justice; (2) lawyers and other advocates representing victims are better skilled at advocating for the latter’s interests before relevant national and international courts; (3) national and international policymakers and courts grant victims and affected communities the necessary space to participate meaningfully in transitional justice processes.
The overall purpose of the final evaluation was to provide a full review of the overall project and provide REDRESS and Impunity Watch with: (i) an assessment of the performance (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability) and impact of the results and outcomes achieved; (ii) based on the findings, develop conclusions, recommendations, and lessons learned from that will be beneficial for similar projects in the future.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic all interviews had to be virtual. The international consultant carried out the interviews, except of the victims and a few key informants. A self-assessment questionnaire was submitted to staff, who provided inputs and updated data on key outputs and indicators, which were thereupon verified through other sources. Apart from the staff, interviews and/or email exchanges took place with the victims, other relevant civil society organisations, duty-bearers, development partners, key informants and participants in activities at national and international levels. The two national consultants carried out the interviews with victims in order to reach them in more remote areas.
HN Consultants ApS provided the full team with a Team Leader, a national consultant in Guatemala and a national consultant in Uganda.