External Review of Results and Capacity Assessment
Danish Epilepsy Association (DEA), 2014
Main project features
DEA has a 15 years long partnership with the Epilepsy Support Association of Uganda (ESAU), running various projects together with funding from Danida. During the first 12-13 years, the focus of ESAU has been on internal capacity building and establishment of organisational structures in 145 sub-countries of 39 districts. A prerequisite to make people with epilepsy active in the organisational work of ESAU is access to and availability of epilepsy medication. Thus, this has been the main advocacy goal of ESAU since the start of the organisation. Since DEA will only support ESAU for a few more years, the main focus of the review was to assess ESAU’s capacity to sustain activities in the future.
Service provided
HN Consultants provided a consultant to be the sole responsible for a review of the results and the lessons learnt from the cooperation between DEA and ESAU. The consultant visited stakeholders at national and district levels. The consultant also prepared a capacity assessment of ESAU, as well as an input for the preparation of an exit strategy for the cooperation between the two partners.