Evaluation of the West Africa Human Rights and Democratisation Programme
IBIS, 2014-2015
West Africa (Ghana, Burkina Faso)
Main project features
The development objective of WAHRD II, whose implementation takes place from April 2010 to March 2015, is to see that governments, media and civil society are active in ensuring compliance with human rights at local, national and regional level and that peaceful environments have been established to ensure sustainable developments in West Africa. The following issues were evaluated during the assignment: results and relevance of the programme focus, the managerial setup and approaches, the process for partnership selection and the interactions with and contributions from programme partners, synergies with and beween programme partners and whether WAHRD was cost-effective and sustainable.
Service provided
HN Consultants provided a team of three consultants from Ghana, Denmark and Gambia. They carried out interviews with senior IBIS staff, partners, beneficiaries, governmental institutions in Ghana and Burkina Faso. Likewise, information from Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia and Guinea was collected. The evaluation report was presented in a debriefing session with IBIS and partners. It also provided inputs for a workshop which outlines the definition for a next phase of the programme.