Evaluation of the Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities Programme
IBIS, 2014
Sierra Leone
Main project features
The IBIS programme focuses on strengthening public and civil society capacity to facilitate interaction for pro-poor and accountable governance policies and practices in Sierra Leone. In addition, it promotes increased capacity and opportunities to ward development committees, chiefdom administrations, local councils, civil society organisations, youth and women’s groups for them to engage in local governance and development issues in two selected districts. Key issues include natural resources and extractives management, taxation and human rights conditions in mining areas. The objective of the assignment was to document results and to gather lessons learnt from the implementation of the programme, as well as to provide guidance for the development of the next phase of the programme in Sierra Leone to run from 2015-2018.
Service provided
HN Consultants provided the team leader who carried out the desk study and – with a national consultant – field work in the capital (Freetown) and in one of the two selected districts by IBIS, namely Kono District. The evaluation focused on relevance, results, outcome, possible impact, sustainability and effectiveness. It also revised a number of cases relevant for each of the objectives. Key stakeholders including partners, governmental agencies, mining companies, researchers and beneficiaries were interviewed. A debriefing session was held with main partners and IBIS to discuss input for the next phase.