Evaluation of Capacity Building of Organisations of the Blind under the Framework of the World Blind Union, Asia Pacific region. Phase III
Danish Association of the Blind, 2017
Mongolia, Laos & Myanmar
Project features
The Danish Association of the Blind (DAB) implements a capacity-building project, financed by Danida, with the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind, the Lao Association of the Blind, the Myanmar National Association of the Blind and the World Blind Union, Asia-Pacific Region. The project supports three areas: organizational development of the partners, so they can carry out general assemblies and improve human resources and knowledge; advocacy, so that partners can participate in dialogue with and influence duty-bearers; and finally, basic skills and empowerment where blind persons learn about mobility & orientation, braille, and how to engage in the organization.
Service provided
HN Consultants ApS provided the team leader and three local consultants from each of the three countries. The evaluation was carried out according to evaluation criteria, including relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. An inception note was prepared based on a desk review of all available material. The evaluation of each partner’s activities was based on a self-assessment, field visit, including interviews with beneficiaries, leaders from blind organisations at local and national levels, governmental institutions as well as other international stakeholders. The findings were discussed in a debriefing with the partners and DAB.