Elaboration of Concept Note and Climate Change Envelope
Royal Danish Embassy, Maputo, Mozambique, 2014
Main project features
The objective was to prepare a Concept Note for the formulation of a 3-year programme to support the implementation of the National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Mozambique and include a bridging phase between the existing Environment Sector Programme Support and the new Country Programme (expected start-up 2017).
Service provided
HN Consultants prepared a draft concept note in accordance with the terms of reference. Two international consultants supported the Embassy staff in this task. Among other issues, the team outlined the Danida support strategy, including how the support to a bridging phase for the Environment Sector Programme Support can be integrated with funding from the Climate Change Envelope 2014 in the transition from the current sector programme support towards a new country programme in accordance with the Danida guidelines.