Core expertise
Good governance
Good governance deals with strengthening of the public administration, civil society participation, decentralization, human rights, including women’s and indigenous rights and rights of persons with disabilities.
We work with the following good governance issues:
Civil society organisations
- In-depth understanding of the political arena in which civil society organisations address democratic development and human rights, including transparency, non-discrimination, participation and accountability.
- Organisational analysis and change management of civil society organisations.
- Capacity development in advocacy at local, national and international levels. Support
and analysis of civil society organisations’ involvement in advocacy and networking and formulation of goals, indicators and methods to measure the results of information and advocacy. - Strengthening of indigenous peoples’ organisations and promotion of their rights.
Public administration, good governance
- Institutional, organisational and context analyses and changes in public sector.
- Democratisation, respect for human rights and decentralisation (regional and local).
- Promotion of improved services at local/municipal level and indicators for assessing quality of services.
- Citizens’ participation in the local and regional development process.
- Anti-corruption tools and legal frameworks, such as the principle of public access to information and freedom of the press.
Sustainable Development and Environmental management
This core area deals with promotion of sustainable management of natural resources, mainstreaming of environment / climate change into sector policies and programmes. This includes implementation of, and capacity development in, environmental management tools.
We work with the following issues:
- Monitoring and Evaluation systems (results-based management) for environmental/energy programmes, facilitation with governments/stakeholders on the formulation of results-based frameworks for various sectors (water and sanitation, mining, protected areas management).
- Decentralised environmental management and citizen’s participation in environmental management (for example support to municipalities’ management of water and waste).
- Training in Environmenal Impact Assessment, environmental management, environmental mainstreaming.
- Support to improvement of environmental management plans and geographical information systems.
- Formulation of programmes supporting natural resources management, including forestry management.
- Formulation and assessment of programmes promoting sustainable eco-tourism.
- Formulation and assessment of programmes supporting territorial management and Indigenous rights.