Appraisal of Kenya Country Programme 2015-20
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (sub-contracted by COWI), 2015
Project features
The Kenya Country Programme has a budget of DKK 1,275 million and comprises three thematic areas: i) Governance, ii) Green Growth and Employment, and iii) Health. For Governance, the seven development engagements are organised according to three areas of intervention: 1) Public sector efficiency (support to Public Financial Management Reform and devolution); 2) democratic practices (support to a civil society fund, justice, rights and equality through an international organisation, support to women’s rights and empowerment through the local NGO FIDA and to enhance elections through the regional organisation EISA); and 3) peace, security and stability through Kenyan NGO ACT.
Service provided
HN Consultants provided a consultant who supported Technical Advisory Service in appraisal of the Thematic Governance Programme as part of an overall appraisal team consisting of fifteen consultants. A desk study of the documentation outlined a number of key questions which were shared with the Danish Embassy in Kenya and the suggested partners. Discussions were held with state authorities, key informants, Embassy staff and civil society partners. The consultant likewise contributed to the overall appraisal report.